Aeroponic System
Aeroponic System
There is room for 36 net pots which allows for a variety of food and herb plants for your family to use.
The system includes four assembled connected towers, housing the water distribution system inside, connected to the very low noise pump assembly.
Simply fill the included reservoir with 24 litres of water and add your nutrients.
Net pots, also included, can be filled with your choice of medium; you can use coconut choir, rock wool or peat moss. Your seedlings can be added to the medium and placed into one of the receiving outlets.
The system also includes a 2000 watt LED light fixture with a variable setting for growth and flowering stages of growth.
Connect the lights to the included timer to set your feeding schedule. Ours is set to a half hour cycle at 6:00am and again at 6:00pm.
These aeroponic systems were designed to be a simple and efficient closed loop.
Going to your aeroponic system and snipping a sprig of tyme, rosemary, or perhaps some green onions for your recipe is a delight.
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